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February 1, 2023 0 Comments

She Has Emotions for a Guy Friend. Carry Out I Disregard This Dilemma?

Reader Question:

This is the 2nd time my personal girl and that I have split up considering feelings for another guy. After witnessing a note between this lady and a pal, i came across she has strong thoughts for her man buddy. She mentioned she thinks she is just with me because she understands she doesn’t always have chances with him.

Do we ignore this dilemma and hope she will lose thoughts for her buddy, or carry out we progress?

-Andrew (New Jersey)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Solution:

Dear Andrew,

If you’d prefer anything, set it up complimentary. In the event it comes back for your requirements and uses you as a doormat, secure the doorway.

Here is the next time this lady has fallen for another guy while getting to you. That have to hurt. But dangling within, wanting she will fall deeper invested in you, is actually a prescription for disaster.

Since it seems she actually is primarily interested in individuals she doesn’t always have chances with, why not make your self more desirable and not ever before give her another opportunity to you.

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